I had to go and look up who Serena Joy was/is and I don't know the ins and outs of the show, but I can pretty much guess her part in the narrative.
And I'd say the answer depends. I see the choice not to be equal as a valid one which could be made provided it's not made under duress. If you're genuinely of the opinion the world needs female mothers and male workers and matters of state are best undertaken by men, then I see no issue with this as a viewpoint but it has to be reached freely and not under duress. I see it as akin to those women who want to wear headdresses for modesty. It is your choice - but that comes with a caveat.
The caveat being that if you opt to back out of the political sphere then you take no part in it. You don't vote. Why would you? It's a man's job. Other feminists shouldn't question the validity of your choice, but you also shouldn't be used as a tool to enact your husbands misogyny upon everyone else in society.
That's the Penguin fudge. :o)