I have men and women in my life who happen to be awesome. I don’t have to think of them as binary opposition groups. I think of them as human beings. The best thing for ALL of them is to transform the law to make it protective for everyone. That’ll take time. Your point is valid and I appreciate that women are often more traumatised by men than vice versa. That sucks, it really does – but NOT comparatively with any other system throughout history or anywhere else in the modern world. For all its faults, this is where we are. There’s work to do, of course there is, but that has to be within the law – I’d rather throw myself behind RBG than Valenti. The former said what needed to be said and got herself into the right place at the right time to say it. The latter says what is popular and expedient – and has got herself a profitable writing niche preaching to the converted. I’m not convinced that RBG would agree with social media accusations as anything other than destabilising the rule of law.