I have these discussions with my significant other penguin a lot. They hate reading. I love it. I've found Audible more recently which has allowed me to subsidise my reading by people reading to me - both are enjoyable in equal measure. I have read a number of classics, but I do find them hard going most of the time. The more context you have for a book, the better it is - I loved Gone With The Wind and Les Miserables simply because I knew the history, I found Don Quixote hard going and I can't even open an Austen without falling asleep.
The question I keep coming back to with the SOP, and we discuss it regarding music too. Which of the books being printed today is going to be around in 200 years time? I'm not sure the Hunger Games is, I'm fairly sure at least one of the Harry Potter books will. I think there's a reasonable chance Fifty Shades Of Grey will be too (in the manner of Lady Chatterley's Lover) as an obscure text studied at University. I'd also like to think there might be a Pratchett as a sort of modern Swift or Rice as a modern Stoker.