I highly recommend 'Into The Woods' by John Yorke. He's the man behind a whole bunch of British TV and was the showrunner for most of our soap operas. He's a nice guy and his book is excellent. It deconstructs what story is from a psychological perspective.
There's some interesting historical stuff being put out by Jordan Peterson about the bible.... I'm not Christian so I'm happy to disregard that part, but his concepts of what stories are for are very interesting and branch from Jung and Campbell. Peterson's politics aside, the man understands psychology and narrative like a beast and is well worth watching some of his University lectures on Youtube.
General textbooks like 7 Basic Plots are pretty good and Dan Harmon's Story Circle is a neat little experiment, particularly if you watch Rick and Morty. At the moment I've signed up to Masterclass and I'm watching David Mamet, Shonda Rhimes and Aaron Sorkin at the same time to bring out their common themes. The year fee is worth it for just them alone - but as a bonus watch Penn and Teller who have some interesting thoughts on stories and misdirection.
I think the thing with writing is to read more widely about creativity and apply the learning. I don't have a lot of truck with the more specific screenplay/writing stuff like Blake Snyder et al, I think there's a place for writing to a format - but I'm far more interested in words and how stories work.
Hope that helped :o)