I love it when we disagree on things and I love it when we agree on things. On this we fundamentally disagree. The question here isn’t one of whether or not it happened or whether it didn’t — only two people will ever truly know the answer to that particular question. Everything else is conjecture.
The important question runs far deeper than that, and it is predicated on the rapidly collapsing #MeToo movement… ‘what happens when you run a society based on prima-facie accusations that are tried in a public forum independently of any due process’ — the answer is quite simple. Chaos.
And every time it happens, the #MeToo movement is further diminished because of its lack of stability and coherence. We’ve been here before with Aziz Ansari, with Johnny Depp and with Brett Kavanaugh. Each time the accusation has been historical, ultimately unsolvable and ends in a bun fight.
What’s more alarming is that this bun fight generally makes the world more dangerous for all women, not safer. Does this mean I’m calling for women to shut up? Of course not. Do I think Tara Reade is entitled to her day in court. Of course I do, but that’s the point. It has to be a day in court and these cases have to go through due process.
That’s because the proper place for these accusations is in the courts — like Weinstein. That is how a civilised society resolves to become better, sadly it takes time. The continuation of media accusation and trial by hearsay is the philosophical equivalent of General Custar’s last stand. It looks great at the outset, sounds great when you set off, but always ends in absolute chaos for all those stupid enough to embark on it as their long term goal. It won’t work.
You’re setting up a world where anyone can make an accusation against anyone else that must be believed at all costs. Consider the implications of that. Really consider them. Society will (and has already begun to) reject the movement as that becomes increasingly apparent — and that’s sad, because at the outset there were some good intentions and a good direction.
Now let’s pull our sleeves up and debate this properly… because I know you love a good intellectual tussle. This is what having a Medium nemesis is for! And for those of you who are reading this that aren’t Joe… he and I frequently disagree and it’s almost always a rollarcoaster. Come at me bruh!