I love throwing a curve ball into arguments - so what if your child, in all earnestness and with no trepidation whatsoever, told you they were sexually attracted to young children. It's not that I believe that you're wrong to be as accepting as you are on this issue, it's just that what your children are presenting doesn't interfere with your moral code in any meaningful way. That's what differentiates you from the other parents, your liberal approach to ensuring your children are happy.
'The only expectation I have for them is to be the best they can in the moment, whatever that moment might bring.'
So what would you do with a self-identifying paedophile as a son/daughter? Would you support them to be happy as themselves? Oh, and for clarification. I don't mean they're actively seeking a relationship with young children. They're just including it in part of their sexual identity, exploring it as a concept.
And before everyone charges in to throw me under the bus... this isn't a false equivalency, I don't think for even a hot second that trans-people are paedophiles. The equivalency is about where you draw your line of personal moral acceptability vs the freedom of your children to be authentic in who they are and how they express themselves. Your line is very liberal which means I'm interested to find out if there is a line.
And If you're prepared to draw a line somewhere, then doesn't that allow others to draw the line somewhere else according to their own moral code? And if that's the case, aren't we just arguing about the moral-highground we want?