I think I'm quite happy sitting in point number four. Lots of people choose to identify me as transphobic, but it's not a definition I share and their reasons are often spurious and based on feelings rather than getting an understanding of what I'm saying.
And as you've suggested, there might be valid reasons to be transphobic. If my insistence we are especially careful before we encourage young people (and girls in particular) to embark on altering their bodies with chemicals and surgery is transphobic - then so be it. I'd call it 'being careful', but everyone is entitled to define words the way they want.
I don't have to agree.
I am not afraid of the consequences of trans-inclusion, but I'm also not prepared to mandate changes in law off the back of feelings and limited evidence. Nor do I have to cede the discourse to any idiot with an opinion based on their genital configuration. It's a careful line to draw in the sand - but it's a necessary one in the modern world.
Here's me drawing that line in practice. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/trans-man-gives-birth-misgendered-by-midwives-and-i-dont-care-4ad3a46b0893
I don't mind being labelled transphobic because my values are about equality, fairness and respect - and I can hold that line. The comments from Nikoli and other trans readers are worth paying attention to. The trans-community seems very split on how to deal with this sort of thing.