I think it is. The presumption is that of innocence, that is... everyone walks around in a state of 'legal innocence' until such time as it can be proven by the State they have committed a crime. Then they are found guilty and sentenced or if the prosecution fails they are released. If they are released, they return to a state called 'innocence' - until such time as the State attempts to charge and prove them guilty. If you find someone 'not guilty' then you are confirming they remain innocent - there is no middle ground.
Whether or not someone has done something or not bears no relation to their legal status. OJ Simpson is widely believed to have killed two people but he is innocent (of that crime at least). You cannot call him guilty because he was tried and it was not proven beyond reasonable doubt. Feelings about his guilt do not matter because it is a binary system in which the default setting is innocent.
Trump is innocent. Perhaps for not much longer, though I'm dubious about whether they'll make the NYC indictment stick.