I think that’s possibly unfair - they did as the Cuban crisis escalated but I think they did it reluctantly. Duvalier often requested aid and military support that wasn’t granted because his regime was that much of a shit show - and Baby Doc was forced out by pressure from Reagan. As always, these matters are nuanced… I don’t think the Duvalier’s were what L’Ouerture would’ve wanted for his nascent state. - and a big part of how you get there is the all the reasons your piece outlines - but like I said, you’ve omitted part of the narrative and a fairly key part at the end of the 20th Century. Black Nationalism had its part to play in the continuing downfall of Haitian society - and it’s a shame. Toussant deserved better for his nation than the outcome that happened (and is still happening) and the various historical players both white and Black squandered a chance for things to be better.