I think that's the point though - at THAT point in history, it wasn't a requirement to have multiple hordes of women. That accusation was made during a time when feelings were running high and it took ONE woman - that's it. That's what made the case different from all the other cases at that time - and it was why I called for hesitation. It may not have been true until Johnny Depp, but it was true FOR Johnny Depp and that's the overcorrection that's been explored.
I haven't diagnosed her. She was given a forensic assessment during the trial and the diagnosis of BPD and histrionic personality disorder. The first I suspected, the latter I did not. She self-reported PTSD to levels beyond that of someone coming out of a genocidal war-torn country. Again, watch the trial, listen to the experts.
And yes, there is some discussion that she did put those bruises on her own face. They certainly weren't documented in any medical records. She recorded a vast amount of their conversations and documented much of their shouting, but she didn't document any significant injuries. Many of the witnesses have testified to the fact that they were a volatile couple but only Heard's sister has said she saw him be violent towards her.
When you boil it down, it's him suing her for either exaggerating what they did. There isn't ample proof for it at all. That is what the court case has shown and what the jury will decide on. She doesn't have to be a good person to deserve not to be abused but she does have to be able to stick within the bounds of the truth when she writes opinion articles. I don't think he will come after her, I think he wanted to forget the whole thing. I think he was done after the $7m divorce settlement - but she wasn't.
He is accountable for what he has done - not what she has said he has done. I don't think he will win, because I think he's met the criteria for being abusive... but that doesn't mean everything that was said about him and everything alleged is true - and that is what the court is looking at. If he as much as pushed her in a fit of pique, he will fail to prove libel... if he hit her because she hit him, he will fail at his libel. I don't think he stands a chance in hell of winning - and I wrote an article to that very effect. But that doesn't mean he has zero recourse in law - and that's really what this trial is about.