I think we now call that ‘victim blaming’. The fact he didn’t put his case forward is neither here nor there. There was enough evidence, for those inclined to look carefully, that this wasn’t the same as Epstein Weinstein et al. Holding Depp responsible for the way the public behaved is a morally untenable position.
And my critique of #MeToo isn’t what it achieved, it was a failure of its most vocal adherents to see people like Heard and Tara Reade coming down the line… and take evasive action. This failure to moderate allows anyone with a vested interest to do so, to tarnish the whole movement with the failure of the minority. That’s all it needs.
Defending Depp was unpopular because that wasn’t how the narrative was going. Feminism is about the fair and equal treatment between the sexes and in this instance it missed the mark. It strayed into misandry because it was way too easy to do so. But rather than learn any lessons, it’s now easier to feign boredom