I was with you up until you made the ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’ argument. That doesn’t contain enough nuance…. All political situations are complicated and this one is no exception. The war is deplorable and I’m not going to defend it at all - but I am going to make one observation.
The gentleman who took a gun around New Zealand and shot a whole bunch of people, did so based on some ideology he’d picked up in Ukraine.
Now, you can call that whataboutism if you like, but I’m just leaving it there as an indication that your level of analysis on this occasion is painfully short of where it should be. Whenever people start the ‘good’ vs ‘evil’ mentality, it’s normally because they’re encouraging others to stop thinking.
That’s the case here. Russia is very much the aggressor, and I’m not making an excuse for Putin’s actions - but we do need to take a wider viewpoint and consider things carefully before we begin screaming ideological nonsense at each other.