I would imagine the first action of a tyrannical regime isn't to confiscate all the legally owned firearms, it's to ensure that the legally owned firearms are in the hands of your side. Other countries around the world, the UK included, have managed to strike a balance between gun ownership and gun risk - that doesn't seem to be the case in the US. My concern isn't that the guns are in the wrong hands, my concern is that the guns are in everyone's hands and people are being increasingly polarised and the mental stability of some people with guns is questionable.
I don't think it's a fear of armed citizens, it's a fear of armed citizens who cannot agree on anything and who are increasingly seeing violence as the answer to the problem.
If you were a 'redneck' (and I didn't think for a second you were) - then you might be the only redneck reading the Jeeves and Worcester storylines. PG Wodehouse is great - and if you enjoy him, you should also try Tom Sharpe. His books are a little out of date now - but they cover a similar sort of ground that you might enjoy.
Glad you enjoy my style and arguments - I'm a centre ground economic socialist lefty at heart - but on Medium this often makes me look like a raging right wing fascist. Thanks for dropping in for a chat! :o)