I would say whatever the version was in November 1990 is the last definitive version I would allow to be published. The estate of Roald Dahl is not the same as the person of Roald Dahl.
Of course publishers are welcome to negotiate with living authors if they want - and authors can reflect on word choices they’ve made and change them in negotiation…. That’s a wholly different thing from altering the work of deceased author to suit modern proclivities.
And, yes…. Perhaps this seems like an over-reaction, but it is about the precedent being set, not the exact changes being made in this instance. The ‘liberal’ left hasn’t shown itself to be sensible and moderate in any way shape or form. Give it ten years and they’ll be at the Dickens, Shakespeare and Austen. There’s a ‘I had your mum’ joke in Titus Andronicus that’s calling out to be excised immediately.