I'd argue that pushing intersectionality becomes meaningless eventually. We're beginning to see that in action across Western Democracies with continued infighting. This doesn't progress anyone very far at all.
Everyone created (and continues to create) 'the system', it's an ongoing series of dialgoues that depend on the ability of groups to communicate. I think the best way to create change is through a model of economic betterment for all and a pursuit of liberal democracy. You don't have to fall in line behind a socialist utopia, nor participate in a liberal democracy - those things cannot be mandated, but what is the alternative? Liberal democracy (however flawed) is as good as it's going to get for the human race - unless you have some sort of benevolent autocrat in mind?
If you read my writing and find me being racist, then you've missed the point. I'm anti-identity politics, not anti-BIPOC. Why? Because it causes people to vote against their own class interests out of frustration. It was racism that cost American workers the ability to unionise under the Taft-Hartley Act. Anything which fires up the white working class voter will invariably end up as a stupid own goal for their interests and the interests of BIPOC.
When you even dare to suggest 'someone looking at me in the office' or 'the casting of bridgerton' or 'the script of Soul' or 'where I can put my bins' might not be indicative of oppressive white supremacy that needs addressing at the same level as 100 years ago, you get attacked and accused of tone policing. When you say 'hang on a second should we be a bit careful about how we use the simplistic phrase 'defund the police' because (when taken out of context) it might not pan out the way everyone wants it to.' - it isn't about silencing BIPOC voices, it's about game planning the whole thing over the long term.
White identarians and nationalists are pretty rare on Medium. We both know that. This is a massive lefty-love in. Less so now than it was in 2020, but even so.... if white nationalists want to come at me and debate their world view, I will tell them exactly why they're wrong. Socialism and humanitarianism has no place for niche interest groups - that applies across the board.