If I’m going to do a rebuttal on a piece like this - and I will, because my name demands it, it’s not that you’re wrong with what you’re pointing out…. It’s just that pieces of this nature broadly appeal to people who already agree with you, which as you’ll see from the comments already received are predominantly women high-fiving you for your insight.
Pieces like this aren’t read by men who need to read them, and those of us who are sceptical believe there never were, there is an equal and opposite world where men write about their thoughts and other men join in - and women pop up to tell them they’re wrong and/or deserve to be miserable.
I don’t have an answer to how we resolve this - but I know that the echo chambers continue to grow unchecked, with the participants in all of them continually fuelled by their own consensus bias. Articles like this, contribute to the same problem as the angry triggered men. All part of the same cycle. :o)