If you read the words that you're using, you've created a dichotomy. It's US and THEM. As if every single Republican is personally responsible. If you can't find any common ground with any Republican about anything - then there can be no real healing or end to division. Bigotry is not a right wing thing - bigotry is an inability to listen to the views of other people. That is the definition of what a bigot is. There are bigots on both sides.
Consider the sentence 'they flipped on their word from 4 years ago to let the people decide the Supreme Court'
They? All 69 million of them all did this? All 69 million of them were happy with this and on board with this? I can dare to try and take someone's anger and hate because it serves no purpose. You don't have to forgive them any more than they have to forgive you. You have a difference of opinion about how the world should be - and calm rational people can sit down and discuss those differences and find common ground.
Demagogues cannot. They have their echo chamber fury, buoyed up by the artificial support of their polarised support. The anger and hate doesn't redress the imbalance, it fuels it. Sure, it might feel good to tell 69 million people to go fuck themselves, but what's the point if in 8 years time, they come back and do the same? .
There is no healing process. There's simply a growing the fuck up process - because democracy currently feels like a bunch of kids pointing the finger at each other and saying "but but Miss, THEY started it."