I’m a Penguin, I don’t play identity politics. Let me put this into perspective for you… Trans people are in the minority, as with all minority groups they do not exercise a great deal of power — and as with all minority groups, they are sometimes persecuted. Do you want to stand up for Trans people? Or do you want EVERYONE to stand up for Trans people, because if what you want is EVERYONE to stand up for Trans people then you need to not end sentences with GFY with a cactus.
You want to find some great Trans writers on this site, go find Phoenix Huber, go find TaraElle, go find JennyIan Asencio. These are Trans moderates who can engage with an audience and have valuable things to say that are accessible. You went into full attack mode because you think you’ve found a transphobe. You haven’t found a Transphobe, you found a moderate who is bored of offensive idiots and doesn’t give about their genital configuration.
Want to know how activism and telling people to insert a cactus is making things worse for Trans people? I’ve got an article for you. Trans people are in a minority group at risk of persecution — they have to be mindful of the sort of idiots they let run the conversation. Yes, you can have an agenda — but also have a strategy about how to get your agenda achieved in the real world outside of the small community of group-think.