I'm an economic lefty, perhaps even *whispers* a socialist. I think if you tweak an algorithm which redistributes the wealth more fairly between people who are all writing equally hard but have different reach that's entirely fine. Furthermore on a LEFT WING PLATFORM you shouldn't expect the wonderful bastions of social justice, who bleat on about equity and fairness to kick off like their private earnings have been appropriated by the armed forces.
If you're writing for the money, you've missed the point in writing here. It's a community and that means occasionally ceding the ground and limelight to newer writers. The amount of talent being missed and going elsewhere because the algorithm was favouring another ten articles by the same ten writers writing the same ten points ad infinitum is obscene. I think it's fucking excellent and I can't wait to see who jumps on the bandwagon and how they revolutionise the place.
Have my earning dropped? Sure. By about two thirds, do I care? It's a little inconvenient - but I don't write here for the money. I write here for the shits, giggles and fighting.... there are people on this platform who need the money more than me and deserve to be given a chance to blossom. Socialism.
This place is a community. The least community minded members of it seem to be the ones who have hijacked the concept of social justice and wellbeing for their own ends. And this current period is demonstrating they are neither mentally well balanced or particularly left-wing, liberal or community minded. Good fucking riddance I say.
In other news. Money isn't the be all and end all of everything :o)