I’m going to yell second! Just after Amy Arnelle because I’d like to be seen to be young and cool still too. This is a great article that gives me a little hope for the future because of the journey that Robyn seems to have made. I’ve made no secret about coming off social media and writing critically about it. I got bored of people like Robyn policing each other with ever-increasing zealousness and self-righteous anger.
There’s great strength in occupying the centre ground and trying to engage others in sensible discussions and it doesn’t happen often enough —you are one of the few writers on Medium curated and maintaining a position in the political and social centre ground (which now seems right wing). That always makes your articles insightful and engaging.
It makes a wonderful change from the call to arms and pandering to the converted of some other heavily featured writers. Thanks for writing with balance and keep up the great work.