I'm in no way a conservative. I'm liberal where liberal used to be, before it got confused about what the liberal part of liberalism is about. If progressives started touting rounding up Conservatives and murdering them, I'd have exactly the same response as the other way round. I'd be livid.
And, because I'm a Penguin, you have no idea what I may or may not have been targeted with. I don't talk about my identity other than being a Penguin. People tend to imagine I fit the box of their imagined enemy - in your case, that'd be a conservative.
Here's where I actually sit politically. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/the-penguin-political-compass-is-complicated-and-controversial-dc04f4267b96
And here's the article I was talking about. It was scheduled for today! Yaaay for good fortune. https://medium.com/p/c7a90ae7b53