I'm mildly face blind, so you're probably my nemesis. I have exactly zero chance of remembering if I've met you once you walk away - I cannot make a picture of you in my head, but I'm very good at spotting body language, gait, hair styles and listening to voices. I think a lot of people have this as a back-up system but for me it is the main system. I used to panic about it, now i just tell people in advance.
It is fascinating - and I think you're probably right about the journalism. People tend to remember people who push into their sphere of consciousness, the significant other penguin has a similar problem and they are introverted, have a strong aversion to people and are excellent at listening. They don't impose themselves like us argumentative extroverts - if you're that good at listening, I guess people remember that someone was listening, but you're like a non-playable character for them, rather than someone who is an adversary, a great friend, or any of the other side quests their consciousness is taking them on.
You're right though - and you should take this curiosity and run some scientific experiments on people. Do it. Would make a great Medium series! :o)