I'm not a majority identity. I'm a Penguin (see my pinned story)... and whilst that's a gimmick - there's also a serious point at play too. I don't think group identity is a very good way to make social progress. Whilst you can advance your interests as a bisexual man through group identity, I'd argue that group identity does very little to advance the group collectively. Instead, arguments should be made by individuals for an adherence to principles of equity.
I think the more interesting push prevalent in society is towards socialism - and I think many social ills, including both racism and homophobia can be mitigated by alleviating financial pressures. I think the middle class faux-liberal misses that point and continues to put disadvantaged marginalised people at further risk.
Here's me in two separate styles of argument if you'd like to debate the merits of identity politics further. :o)