I'm not American so it won't affect me either way, but I caused outrage in my little bubble of left-wing friends for suggesting that whilst I'm pro vaccine (and have had it) - I'm anti-mandating it for everyone. It doesn't fit with my libertarian beliefs. So although I'm centre left - I'm far more liberal than most people. There's nothing really liberal about mandating anything.
Of couse, if you choose not to have it and then you die - you've got yourself to blame. I've got that angle covered in this piece. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/heres-the-deal-with-vaccines-and-masks-you-pesky-libertarians-6f4c776f1c50
Mandates don't sit well with me- because of the precedent it sets. We may live in unprecedented times, but we don't know how things are going to play out in the next fifty years - and I'm keen the Government has as little control over my autonomy as possible.
Great article too btw - and a great way to look at it. You know there's going to be someone somewhere in the vaccine hesitant but pro-mandate box. There's always one! :o)