I'm not sure how other people use grammarly, but I basically wait until I've finished writing and then copy and paste the entire article into a webpage and grammarly tells me where I've gone wrong. I will cede no control to the robot overlord and where it doesn't understand nuance, tone or humour I leave it alone. Grammarly, like all AI is a tool best used sporadically and entirely under your control.
I used to use the Hemmingway App too - but I binned that off for being too restrictive. My writing doesn't enjoy being constrained into a Hemingway-esque prose, far too much Pratchett and Adams influence.
Great article too by the way, I don't label myself as neurodivergent as I don't find it helpful for me or for society more generally.... but we could definitely say I'm at the 'ooooh, shiny' end of the concentration pool.