I'm not sure if ever apologised for Glencoe or not. I suspect not. There's been a lot of animosity between our tribes for a long time and a separation is due - and should it happen, I wouldn't blame your tribe, we keep electing foppish batshit dandies and gammon-folk from the Home Counties and insisting that your tribe submits to our bat-shit self-immolating politics. We've had a good run since 1603 but I think it'll be over in our lifetime and I 100% lay that at the feet of my tribe.
I only went to the opera once - and I hated it. I wouldn't say I grew up in extreme poverty, but mine wasn't a lavish childhood and I'm a big fan of local libraries and free school meals.
We agree on a great deal and that's always good - and you're white and I'm an uncomfirmed race of penguin - but that doesn't negate us being racist bastards. Or if not 'racist bastards' then at least 'upholding white supremacy', which is the same insult but dressed up in fancy words.