I'm sorry that identity politics isn't working out to be the unambiguous shit show I suggested it might be. When you assert that X group is the 'most oppressed' you create a world where demonstrable oppression becomes competitive.
Identity politics has drawn attention away from a simplistic socialist message of helping the economically disenfranchised (many of whom happen to be black) into a pissing contest that leads precisely nowhere.
When the left wing turns into a hot-mess, the right wing will mobilise. And they are. You've suggested that playing both sides is how white supremacy works - without even noticing your part in the game. That's why I read an article earlier this week by a prominent BIPOC writer that suggested the answer to feeling terrible and oppressed by racism was to go paragliding. It'd be hilarious if it weren't going to end in a right wing power grab.
As always, you've written a compelling article about the problem inherent with racism - and once again you've managed to impress the self-flagellating liberals... but you've missed the point. You can't solve racism by sowing further division - you have to break out of the paradigm thinking of competititon at every cost.