Indeed not.... but consider it differently. The rainbow flag may stand for your child spending their afterlife eternally damned, it may stand for the breakdown of family values, the end of times, the degrading of the nuclear family and any number of things. It isn't what it stands for for YOU that matters, it's what it stands for for the other guy.
Now, you've got a valid argument the Confederate flag should be consigned to the dustbin and you've shown your working.... BUT, if such a legal mechanism of control exists for you then it must exist for others and provided they can show their working then the same must apply. If what you're saying is that 'you must take this flag down because it is offensive' then that isn't enough.... because it can be easily reversed.
Germany has indeed limited the Swastikas and Hitler-nostalgia by law; and I'm unsure how I feel about that. I suspect in the fullness of time that law will be challenged and overturned.... and I don't necessarily see that as a good or bad thing.
And no, I don't believe it does amount to that.... giving people the right to do something does not necessarily mean you support the enacting of that right, that's too simplistic a lens with which to view this issue.
If I were to play devils advocate (and that's what I do) - are you supporting the right to brutalise and dehumanise unborn children? We're not talking fun and games here - we're talking abortion. That's how some people see it and that's the sort of inflammatory language they use to make their point. Most liberals downplay the brutalisation and dehumanising aspect of an abortion because it doesn't sit well with their political views. Now, your right to get an abortion is different from whether or not I individually support it.... You see? An individual can fight for legal rights without necessarily supporting the outcome of the fight itself.
In this case, that's exactly what I'm doing. It's a balancing act. A difficult one, but a balancing act nonetheless. :o)