It could be - I think the Unconscious is a little more complex than that. Even allowing for 'thought' to be a product of culture - everyone has an individual experience of that in practice. It isn't just the macrosystems, but the microsystems - the individual events that happen to individuals at different points in their life that colour who they become and how they think - when you factor in the individual genetics too, the picture becomes even more complex. However, your point is well made (and usual) and worth considering.
It sounds like many of the men you've had in your life seem to be asshats. No offence to any of them of course.... but if you're only interested in befriending people because there's a chance that you might have sex at some point, you're missing out. People be silly. Having said that - I also notice that couples tend to be friends with other couples, so maybe that is a factor too?
Yael and you can agree that your tone is the same, but that doesn't make it so. Written language is a two part exchange. The way you intend it, and the way it is recieved. We have shared language, but a private understanding. Wittgenstein's Beetle matchbox and all that jazz. You're only supplying half the process, the other half is in the interpretation of the reader - and that might come back to their lived experience of you or their own world view. Could, for example, be that you write under a moniker (as do I) but Yael Wolfe seems to be a real name (even though it may not be). I get attacked regularly because people think I'm 'hiding'. That's interpretation.
Either way, definitely fascinating insights into human nature.