It would be illegal to teach under current legislation - the right to separate from the state is about the knowledge the State does not always have the best interests of the people at heart and sometimes changes the rules. If the Tories have their way, we'll be out of the ECHR and the HRA (1997) will no longer apply, then it wouldn't be illegal to teach. My position on freedom from the state is not about THIS state, it is about THE state. I reserve the right to remain independent.
I don't really care about family values. I'm a polyamorous Penguin, who has been in an open relationship for 12 years. I'm not a Conservative, people seem to think my opposition to liberalism comes from Conservatism, it doesn't - it comes from good old fashioned liberal ideas that you should live and let live.
Parenting has to be 'good enough' - it doesn't have a moral component. What you or I might consider to be good enough is not what everyone does. The state should not interfere with parenting as much as it does - it tends to over-interfere at the bottom end, not interfere with the middle classes and wouldn't touch the top end. Given the vast majority of decisions are made by people who attend private schools, I'd be in favour of ending private schools to encourage social mixing.
The welfare of the child is paramount in British Law - but we're very bad at defining what that means. Take the child whose parent allows them to occasionally imbibe cannabis. Bad right? Compare that with the child who has 15 after school clubs and is training to be a virtuoso violinist but doesn't want to be one. The latter is considered 'good' parenting.... these words are meaningless and open to subjective judgement. I've taught abused kids at both ends of society - and I have more problem with the helicopter career parents, their eating disordered daughters and bordering-on-burnout sons - than with the occasional single mum who overlooks an odd bit of smoking.
Section 28 was a disgrace.
No problem with religion, just don't think it should ever be part of how a Government is formed. You can believe what you like, I'm a liberal. I'm appalled we have religious leaders (Christian ones at least) in the House of Lords shaping policy.
I didn't say the men were terrible - I said we need to look at the maths. Rolf Harris might be in the 5% of men. It also might be a much higher number of men. Being cuddly doesn't make him less dangerous - I think #MeToo was far more useful than Bears in the Woods.
I don't like (or trust) the police. I balk at the idea of the State having its own armed wing. I think they recruit some of the worst people in the country and my interactions with the police over the years have always been 50/50 whether I'd get someone committed to social good, or some power-trippy twat who liked shouting at people. I do not like the police, never have and never will. I would never approach the police if I was in trouble and would never advise anyone to do the same.