It's a complicated question and one that leads to problematic answers. You can hold DeSantis responsible for this action, but then where do you stop? Can you stop? Once you begin identifying things as racist and committing to alter them through politcal pressure you create a precendent. Whilst it may seem obtuse to suggest changing the name of Washington DC, it falls on the same spectrum. Why should you celebrate a man who was clearly racist? Is there a statute of limitations on what can and can't be defined as racism? I don't think it's a road that society should go down, because pulling that thread unravels a whole load of feelings that we aren't quite adult enough to deal with yet.
Whilst you may not have agreed with what RL said, and whilst he doesn't necessarily speak to your sentiments - that isn't true of some of the other 74,000,000 voters. I'm sure they are offended by the things that you would consider to be progressive. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that RL isn't a racist asshat - I'm saying that Winston Churchill definitely was too, and therein lies the problem, it all depends on the narrative you're given and the one you choose to keep.