I’ve always found, when dating other Penguins, a curiosity about their childhood and family will pay dividends in the long run. Sexual history is non-contextualised in both women and men and not brilliantly useful.
So whether we’re berating a woman for having multiple partners or men for having none - what we really need to know is what underpins this. It could be indicative of nothing at all - or you could be setting yourself up for an entire decade of pain.
It pays to be judicious in your mate choice - and so every aspect of your partners history, sexual, personal, star sign, eating habits, drug use, fashion choices is fair game for being considered ‘your business’. I’m amazed how little time people put into the decision to ‘commit’ - because they believe their emotions overrule every other conceivable indicator of potential success.
60 years is a long time to spend under a sunk cost fallacy.