I've become an Emily Baker subscriber, it's been absolutely fascinating and I've watched a large percentage of the trial. I'm amazed the number of absolute positions being taken by people who, by their own accounts, have refused to watch any of the trial - and are either backing/not backing Amber Heard on the basis of something they saw on TikTok.
The #MeToo bandwagon was a good one to be on.... but I wrote in my Nazis in the Classes article back in 2018, you must always pay attention to where the bandwagon is headed. There are still plenty of horrible men out there, and far too many of them are not held accountable in law - but that doesn't mean we should replace it with the court of social media.
A centre ground rational case-by-case basis is the best way to engage with the world. It requires everyone to look at everything and to self-reflect on their opinions before they reach them. There's a lot of division in the world, but reasoned compassionate debate can and should win out.
Onwards and upwards indeed :o)