I’ve generally found it helpful when dealing with the trans and non-binary debates to consider people male and female, and then man and woman to be constructed identities on top of this. So I have no problem with a female man giving birth or male woman putting on makeup and dresses - all good with me. None of my business and I’ll do my best to accommodate.
But at the same time as this is happening, there’s a contradictory messaging going out that ‘man’ and ‘woman’ don’t really exist. That’s a confusing message because you’re essentially arguing people have the absolute right to transition between two modes of being but those modes of being are a lie. You cannot have trans and non-binary, they’re self cancelling.
In their determination to be absolutely accepting of everyone at all costs (and brook zero push back) progressives have generated what I’d describe as an ‘absolute clusterfuck of self-cancelling nonsense’