I've very much enjoyed the more personal approach from the CEO and I think it's warm and welcoming and that's all to the good.
There are also other questions about how to Medium properly as a writer.... answers you pick up as a result of doing it enough times or as a result of someone telling you. I don't think Medium should replicate the sort of death by courses that loads of people here offer - but I would suggest something along these lines.
Not endorsed by me (like this one is) but by you- I'm just a Penguin who has been here a while and you are an actual human that got turned into a CEO and you have a nice tone and a way with words. I'm British, I love an etiquette guide in place of member rules. It helps us stand up straight, balance books on our head and select the right kind of spoon in a hurry.
The CEO could provide an easily accessible guide to writing here as a community member - to cultivate the right sort of writer. At least if you do it, we won't get spammed to death by people flogging courses about how to game the Great Goddess Algorithmia or endlessly talking about how much money they've made from their last post.
That's my daily thought (because you asked). This is a great start - but it should be the first of a few of these. What I'd like to see is The Stubblebine Handbook. Digital Debretts for readers who want to become writers and those who want to join a thriving creative community but who spend ages looking at a blank space and buying courses from Tom Kuegler. This was lacking when I got here - and I never did by a course from Tom.... so I've just made shit up as I went along.
Works though. As a fall back plan. :o)