Literally everyone else on the planet is 'me-centric', that's the nature of how humans interact with the world. We learn this from childhood and it impacts on how we consider the world.
You're assuming I created the world.... I didn't. I'm not some celestial super-being. I am one person in the middle of a society that has been created from the interplay of blilions of people throughout history. No one person, or race of people, created society. I've also never said I was oppressed. I'm disagreeing. I'm dissenting. That doesn't mean I'm oppressed. It means I don't agree - and there's plenty to disagree about when it comes to the identity politics conversation
The reason I rail against identity politics is because I think it happens to be bad for BIPOC. I think it takes a left-wing argument for the betterment of all people and splits it off into competing right factions who will absolutely fail to vote in their own interests because of infighting. Identity politics is doing a disservice to BIPOC and making things worse and moves away from the message put forward by MLK about not judging people by the colour of their skin.
You can read more about my political objections to identity politics here:
You and I probably have a very similar aims for society, we just disagree with each other's methodology. I don't see how identity politics can resolve racism because it plays into the underlying psychological problem it attempts to solve. It encourages people to focus on race as the defining factor of human experience. That's why you have 'safe spaces for BIPOC' or 'segregation'. It's the same erroneous conclusion drawn from the equal and oppsoite argument.
By all means discount my views, I always encourage discussion and I will debate them in good faith. I will do this outside of any attempt to identify me - as I've stated - identity doesn't bear any relation to intelligence or reason. Such facile judgmental arguments are wrong when used against a person of any skin colour.
If I owned my identity, every single discussion would begin with 'How dare you.... a man/woman/BIPOC/white/Trans/Cis/Hetero/LGBTQ+ person have an opinion outside of your identity box. For that reason I choose not to own it - it's just not relevant to what I write.