Love the bird analogy and you'd perhaps be right given the number of women in the world and the relative size of a bald eagle.
What if we added a pinch of sugar to a cake every time we found a man who has been emotionally abused by a domineering mother. We'd be making a lot of people diabetic.
Now before you say pffffft, I see a lot of those guys at work (in a secure psychiatric facility). As a side point... some (but not all) of those people are here because of rape. And there are plenty more out there in the community, neither getting psychological help nor facing accountability in any real legal sense.
Perhaps the us vs them mentality espoused by the original comment isn't helpful when it comes to intergenerational behaviour patterns. Perhaps we should focus on lowering the collective trauma through conversation.
Or perhaps we'll just end up in a world of hyperglycaemic bald eagles. :o)