Medium made the platform more left wing - it redistributed the wealth among more writers. I'm not entirely sure how they did it - but I think they made newer stories more available and more widespread. My stats are down, but only becasue I'm lacking individual breakout stories. Looking at my stories as a whole, more of them are getting the odd cent here and there. The result is less money to big players who rely on audience size to go viral and more money to newbies.
This is how a left leaning platform should look and members of the Medium aristocracy flouncing off because they've lost a few thousand pounds here and there have shown themselves up to be somewhat hypocritical from their equity and fairness pulpit. Hard work does pay off here, but there has to be space for growth for newbies. We were all new once, but we both know how hard it was to break out as an indie writer when the publications and professionals had a stranglehold. I have yet to have my homepage updated, but I'm in the UK and so I expect it'll be a while. I'll blame Brexit.
The second half of 2021 will come to be seen as the equivalent of the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs. You've got to either be very persistent (as you are), small enough to benefit from the great reset and take up the spaces and niches left by those who have gone extinct, or you can be a Penguin. It's been financially quite difficult - my earnings are down by two thirds.... but fuck it, this is exciting - I love the sheer uncertainty and the excitement and energy of the newbies. I expect my stats to come storming back soon because I believe my writing is good enough and in the meantime, I'll keep writing every day. Anything that bombs can be re-worked in better times :o)
I look forward to updating this article.