My concern is that progress has been stymied by progressives. I'm a liberal and a lefty. I'm all for socialism and pluralism. An inclusive society is a functional one that brings out the best in every member of the group. There is nothing wrong with being a progressive and I applaud you for it - and for having the common sense to stay away from NAMBLA. Over here in the UK we had PIE, which seems to do most of the same sort of thing - but was part funded by progressive parts of the Labour Party - something that came back to haunt a few prominent MPs in 2014.
My reasoning is based on the difference between a progressive liberal agenda.... live and let live, everyone has to live together, so play nice and don't do anything illegal. I support the inclusion of everyone into a pluralistic society... but that has to be on an issue by issue basis. Society is comprised of lots of different groups of people who have to co-operate and co-exist. Sometimes this means there is no right answer.
In the UK, we had a situation where Muslim parents pulled their children out of sex-ed classes that included references to homosexuality. The reaction from both sides was swift. Homophobia on the one hand, Islamaphobia on the other. Failing to be inclusive vs failing to respect cultural difference. These are complex issues and the solution is not who can leverage the most power on social media. Lots of 'woke' people haven't done the requisite thinking that you've done. When people do that, they play into the hands of those that would oppose them. Progressive is good. Unthinking adherence to what appears to be progressive in the zeitgeist is not.
I love the sassy afterthought. Perhaps my reasoning is fallacious - but at least anyone who is reading our exchange can make up their mind anew after a worthwhile and fun discussion. Yishar kochacha. :o)