My version of socialism means that things all people need should be provided or capped at a very cheap level. Heat, shelter, basic food, water, agreed health provision and (arguably) internet access. All of this should be available and budgeted for by the Government. You should be able to live a relatively comfortable but spartan life on a very small amount of income. A minimum wage job for about 20 hours a week. Poverty should not force you into either a grind or an inescapable benefits trap.
If you then aspire to have more than this (and I think most people would) then you have the option of working more hours, finding a better paid job and creating the difference between yourself and the baseline. Poverty should not be a death sentence and the acquisition of stuff should not be the main goal of everyone on the planet. I say that as someone who rarely buys new things and who has a portfolio career of jobs I enjoy (which somehow I make work). I am a very happy Penguin but keeping the wolf from the door (and the creativity flowing) has not been the easiest thing in the world to do.
I think your plan is workable. Certainly better than the 'universal credit' system we've got here. Putzier for President.