No. Not a polymath, but probably do have a touch of the attention defecit about me. I am interested in everything and I am forever losing things and getting distracted. It's led to a very varied career and now I am a playwright... this means I get to research and dabble, then inhabit the brains of other people to jam them into narratives.
I haven't read Dostoyevsky for a long while - but I'm not sure I enjoy the comparison to Raskolnikov. You aren't talking to a genius and I have no idea what personality type I am. I am simply an individual with an overt focus on individualism rather than groupthink via identity politics.
If it helps you in your Raskolnikov analysis, I think most human beings are capable of murder, I suspect I probably am as well. One of my main issues with the identiarian movements burgeoning through society at the moment is most progressives don't think they are. They think they occupy a moral high ground and refuse to either question or be questioned. This is the mistake made by the left during the French Revolution and indeed by the political left and right across the 20th Century - on that front Dostoyevsky was way ahead of his time.