Not racist. But racially prejudiced, you're right - the vast majority of shooters are white men. That's because the USA is a country with a higher percentage of white men. There's zero correlation between race and mass shooting when you adjust for population percentage.
You became the story - and you did so because of your own biases and emboldened by an echo chamber mentality that convinced you that you couldn't be wrong. About 8 times out of 10 you wouldn't be, but you got unlucky. The defence 'everyone is being racist at me' and 'other people did worse things' is unlikely to garner much support from an exhausted population who enjoy hubris.
Writers and 'inclusive editors' have helped usher in an era of social media where knee jerk reactionism is the order of the day. You're a victim of the world you helped to create. The Robespierre of your own revolution. No longer commenting on the story, you now are the story - and I imagine that isn't pleasant. I'm sorry that you're going through this - because it must be unpleasant - but I also hope you take some time to self reflect and learn a lesson about the sort of combative binary thinking you're part of.
Here's a more nuanced centre ground argument.