Nothing but sadness really. She's a very talented writer, wish she was just better at disagreeing and debate. I suspect the latest round of Medium changes will have hit her earnings substantially. The trick is not to write here for the money but for the love of it - as soon as you become dependent on the cash, then you fall prey to the 'what I'm worth' feeling. Some months on here I've covered rent, some months I've barely covered coffees for when I'm writing. It ebbs and flows - the new generation (particularly those who have monetised outrage) are going to flounce off. The same thing happened with many of the uber popular race-baiters once Medium pivoted away from that sort of content.
Money comes and it goes. There's plenty of unhappy people here but that's true of most places. Some people have made Medium their workplace but for me it's still a privilege. A privilege to be able to write here, to be read by people here, and to have good chats and healthy discourse with intelligent people.
Ossiana may be back. I hope she is. Medium needs talented writers, even if they are a little too femagoguery for my liking. I've just invented that F word and I now have to write an article about it!