Of course I'm a human, like everyone who writes here - if you want to know what sort of human then go and read my pinned story. What i don't disclose is my age, race, sex or sexuality. These have become shorthand markers used to designate people, put them into neat ideological boxes and use them as a weaponry. As demonstrated by the lovely NativeFriend, a writer who accused 'white people' en masse of genocide in South America - when I asked whether she meant Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, British or Scandinavian white people she suggested they're all the same. When I pointed out that many British people are non-white and may been born in the British empire but moved to Britain from elsewhere in the world from say.... the 1600s onwards, it didn't matter. For NativeFriend, anyone who disagrees with her must be white. That's how identity politics works. If it turns out they're not white (and I'd highly recommend reading Steve QJ if you haven't found him) then they're 'exhibiting internalised whiteness'.