Okay, I'm not sure it's about scoring goals, rather about forwarding the discussions and engaging with readers. Pointing them towards interesting things they may not have considered as part of their world view. This isn't using somone as a football and a wider reading of my work would suggest I don't really view the world as a complex series of competing ideologies. Identity politics is not my bag.
One thing that liberals generally agree on is that we don't enjoy any attempt at the policing of language. Mentioning 'intersex' isn't a crime and nobody has been a) damaged or b) upset by my comment. You may have taken offence on behalf of a group of people (to whom you may or may not belong) - that's your perrogative. Nobody ever died of being offended - I won't be told what I should and shouldn't comment on. If I want to comment I will. If I make an ill-informed comment, someone will put me right.
In this particular case, I'm not entirely sure what you're offended by. It seems you're taking me to task for using the word 'intersex' - as though such a word is sacrosanct and can only be used by someone called Clare in a very particular forum of her own devising.