Okay... Not sure where to begin with this one.
You can't infer anything about my life from my writing. I have ten years of working in education and social work that informs my opinion - as well as all my friends, my own life experience and pretty much everything that's ever happened to me. I have a degree in Psychology and I'm a published playwright. Feel free to read other articles of mine to get a better understanding of who I am and what my views are.
If the 'woke' that you speak of are as supercillious and condesending as you make them out to be - they've got very little hope of breaking out of their circle-jerk of self congratulation and effecting any real change. - I'm sure that means plenty of 'informed' people are sitting in their ivory towers chuckling at the mediocrity of my writing - so let them. What good is it doing? A great deal of time is spent arguing amongst each other about who is the most accepting and virtuous.
The balance that you'll have to strike on Medium to become a successful writer is presenting articles that are thought provoking, styllistically interesting and engage people to read more. My audience is primarily made up of people from both sides of the political spectrum who find the current left-ist approach of identity politics to be counter productive. That's my audience. My plan is to get them to talk to each other.
My favourite writers on here are Marley K (who I vehemently disagree with) Elle Beau (who I vehemently disagree with) Steve QJ (who I really want to disagree with but can't), Joe Duncan (whose style I really like and who I butt heads with occasionally) and Rev Sherri Heller (as her psychology articles are awesome).
I enjoy pats on the back because I'm human and operant conditioning works.... I'll also debate anything people want me to debate and enjoy being challenged. A patronising comment that says 'You don't read enough you absolute simpleton' doesn't fall into either of these categories. It offers nothing but an ad-hominem attack that paints you in the worst possible light. Consider upping your own game first then come back for a proper debate.