Okay. Well.... I'd say it's a fact that most of this pieces garner supportive messages from women and hostile messages from men in a smaller number. So I'm presuming more women read than men, but you're right - I don't know this for a fact.
Okay, so what you're waiting for is a rainbow coalition of progressives and I think you're going to be disappointed there - identity movements by their very nature tend towards infighting, so whilst the social justice rhetoric is heavy here, I can't see it happening. As we saw with the Cooper vs Cooper discussion a few years back, it rapidly turned into melanin vs vagina with no clear winner.
I personally think, outside of the myopic online discourse, most women are cracking on with life just fine. They're rubbing along with their husbands, boyfriends, colleagues, friends without much issue. Feminism, the way it is currently being done, is a massive turn off for my Mum who believes the whole thing is a bit silly. She's 65. However, she's fiercely independent and doesn't take any shit from anyone. She's probably in that TERF territory which is emerging and problematic within the movement as a whole.
Progression is slow and messy and requires complicated discussions. The ideas presented by most articles lack that complication and lack that discussion. It plays to a home crowd advantage. :o)