On the first point we actually agree. Law enforcement is useless and that’s why the correct course of action is amending the legal process. There needs to be better training for officers, greater sensitivity during the court process, more useful evidence collection and more strict guidance to protect both the accused and the accuser during the trial – as well as better guidance given to judges re: sentencing.
Or we could whack it all on social media and have a massive bun fight about it until everyone has no concept of what’s right and wrong anymore. Recent social media outrages include Tom Felton didn’t rape anyone even though she said it on Twitter, Tara Reade trials to explode American politics, Amber Heard wasn’t quite as innocent as she seemed and my favourite…. Armie Hammer might have said he wanted to eat people and so now he can’t work.
So which do you think is better? More than happy to debate if you genuinely think the social media route is the way to go. As far as I can see it’s just been a shit show from start to finish – and the outrage fatigue will make things worse, not better, for women and victims of serious sexual assault. If you think the message we should be giving to young women and men is ‘take it to Instagram rather than the police’ – then I’d very much like to know why.