Penguins love warmth and kindness, but also we read a fair amount of stoicism and after a background in child protection we aren’t easily rattled or upset. Life is too short to worry too much about a back and forth with strangers on the internet. Plough the middle ground.
And yes, it’s a shame…. Elle is very knowledgeable and eats up the praise of the converted. I think it comes from a place of insecurity, she doesn’t like to be challenged and she takes things to heart far too easily and lashes out quickly. Feelings run strong.
That said, she’s one of the best informed writers on the platform, but she’s set to broadcast. What should’ve been a wider discussion about avoiding echo chamber thinking turned into a frustrating back and forth. It has with us a few times before - but this one was pretty tiresome in an ivory tower kinda way. One day I think she’ll work out that we’re broadly on the same side and we both occupy different niches.
As I’ve said to her, and to many activists…. Who do you think curious people are more likely to prefer being stuck in a lift with? Conversation is not her forte and it turns people off… whether she’ll see it or not I don’t know. Still, that’s not my cross to bear - that’s hers.
Thanks for your kind words. :o)