Rittenhouse is a complicated one, made even more confusing by the current insistence on both sides of painting everything as a polemic good vs evil. Everything is currently viewed through the lens of a larger than life comic book, I half expect the Riddler to come popping out in NYC and set up an explosives trail.
The USA doesn't deal well with nuance - the left should be careful about the optics of including everyone standing near them under the banner of 'progressive'. The right should be careful about setting a precedent for armed child soldiers in place of the police force.
This is a nuanced case and the US has very silly laws around who can and can't shoot people under what circumstances. In this case, the law was upheld.... and the President has no choice but to pretty much agree with it. He cannot overturn the judiciary - and if he did so, that'd be a seriously dangerous precident to set.
So we are where we are - and I'm not convinced the US has learned how to answer it's nuance problem. Here's the Penguin position. https://medium.com/lucid-nightmare/kyle-rittenhouse-is-acquitted-once-again-america-misses-the-point-8a41ab56c969